Procedure of approval of different building plans under Brahmapur Devlopment Authority,Brahmapur

1.Document required

1      classification of land from agriculture to non-agriculture purpose as per OLR Act.8(A)
2      A copy of the sub-division land/Layout of plots approved by Brahmapur Develpoment Authority
3     Other items followed as per information book-let & application form.

1.Cost of forms.

2.Information book-let &application form for approval of building plan = RS 300/-

1.Application form for sub-division/Layout of plots

     1.Up to 1(one)Acre.                                            =500/-

     2.More then 1Acre.                                            =1000/-

     3.Certified copy of approved building plans= RS 500 

2.Scrutiny fee. {See Rule-6(1)}

3.For residential Buildings.(covered area in all floors)

4.Upto 100 Sqm. =150/-

5.Above  100 and upto 150 Sqm.                         =225/-

6.Above 150 and upto 300Sqm.                          =300/-

7.For every additional 50Sqm. Or part thereof =300/-

8.For commercial buildings.                         

9.Upto 20 Sqm. =250/-

10.Above 20 and upto 50 Sqm.                             =375/-

11.For every additional 50 Sqm.Or part thereof =500/-

12.For industrial Building (covered area in all floors)

13.Upto 150 Sqm.                                                      =750/-

14.For every additional 50 Sqm. Or part thereof =500/-

15.For public Building. Per =Rs.o.50/-

16.Sanction fee .{See rule 6(2)}       Type of  BuildingRate per Sqm.
1Residential building (Individual)Rs. 15/-
3Group Housing/Apartment building/Integrated TownshipRs.50/-
4.Commercial/Industrial/Hazardous/Storage buildingRs.60/-
5Building of PSUs/Public Authorities/Public utility buildingsRs.10/-
6Other (noy covered in 1-5 above)Rs.30/-

 Security Fee. (See Rule-7) of BuildingRate per Sqm.
1General building.Nil
2Group Housing/ Apartment buildingRs.50/-
3Commercial exceeding 300 SqmRs.50/-

 1.Compounding Fee.(See Rule-79)






Govt. under taking

Other class of





Unauthorized sub-division and purchase of lands without approval of B.D.A.

Purchase and development of lands in violation of approved layout plans i.e purchase of adjoining plots etc.(part plot penalty)505100
Where development has been undertaken without permission,but within the frame work of use restriction and the provisions of the Regulations applicable to concerned plot10010200
Where development has been undertaken in deviation to the approved plan, but with in the framework of use ,restrictions and the provisions of norms and stipulations of these regulations.505100
Construction upto 10% beyond the permissible norms of these Regulations with respect to front, side and rear setback and /or


The deviation in FAR is within five percent.




Construction beyond 10% &up to 20% beyond the permissible norms of these regulations with respect to front,side and rear setback and/or the deviation in FAR is within 10% provided it does not exceed 3.00 excluding the additional FAR for EWS/LIG




Construction beyond 10% & up to 20% beyond the permissible

Norms of these Regulation with respect to front side and rear          2000              200             5000

Set back and/or the deviation in FAR in within 10% provide it

does not exceed 3.00 excluding the additional FAR for EWS/LIG



1.Shelter Fund

SL.NO               ITEMS                                                                                                  RATE/Sqm



1                    For General Building/Commercial                                                                 Nil
2                   For Commercial Complex/Cinema Hall/Multiplex                                           Nil
3                   For Group Housing/Apartment/integrated Township                                      Nil


1.Labour Cess on every building plan approval of all categories.

The amount of labour cess would be 1% of the cost of the project. The cost of project shall computed taking plinth area @Rs.1750/- per sqft for all the floors.